Saturday, March 6, 2021

Top 5 News Sources

Top 5 Places Where I Receive my News:

Source 1- NPR

          As someone whos always on the go in the morning I find listening to NPR is a great way to get an overview of what's happening in the news since I went to bed. It's easy and accessible to listen along to the radio broadcast while I'm in the shower and getting dressed. For people who are busy like me it's a great resource and a conducive, productive way to get your news intake when you wake up. 

Source 2- BBC News

         I love to use BBC as a reference for outside perspective especially when it comes to politics in the United States. I feel that the BBC does a good job of staying unbiased and just giving the facts without any exaggerations. I also use this source as a reference for what's happening globally, some times I find myself caught up in US News and the BBC allows me to understand the things going on throughout the world. 

Source 3-  The New York Times

         Being one of the largest news and media publications across the world, I like to stay connected with The New York Times as it's where a lot of the public receives their news. So staying up to date on TNYT's reporting gives great insight into where the rest of the public gets their information and why they believe what they do based on their news source. I also just see it as a solid place to receive quality reporting.

Source 4-
  Stamford Advocate

         Now that I go to school states away from home, I like to check up on the local news happening in my home area. The Stamford Advocate is the local paper for my hometown, Stamford Connecticut. Instead of having to rely on my parents for the town "gossip," it's nice to be able to read about it in a structured format giving me the ins and outs with all that's going on in my city. 

Source 5-  Social Media

         As a 21st-century college student, Social Media is definitely the fastest way I receive my news, usually through a quick pop-up notification on my phone alerting me to any breaking news right away. The major downside being is that it isn't always accurate, a lot of times I find myself having to double-check headlines or key details and figure out if it's just a tabloid lie or the truth. With digital media growing exponentially, now, more than ever, I feel it’s important to have unbiased journalism presented in the media.

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