Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Political Memes

    It was particularly interesting to learn that newspapers used to be specifically partisan and aligned with one political ideology. This comes with its own pros and cons, although I'm not sure that bi partisan papers like what we have now are really accomplishing true non-biased news... even though the platforms say they promote an objective view, each news platform tends to align more conservative or liberal; and that's fine, but I think instead of stating they are non-biased sources, they should just openly come out and say they lean a certain way rather than trying to appeal to everyone because it isn’t working. 

    The system that is "journalism" has become subjectively streamlined into two polar extremes, I can't think of any news platform that is truly bipartisan. Brining the political cartoons into consideration, I think they're a great way of expressing political frustration in a humous and easily understood way. Throughout history, the use of political cartoons has been a great way to inform the general public about what's happening in government in a broken-down way that a general audience can understand without needing to be heavily involved in politics. The way "meme" culture has dominated online social media platforms stems from the foundation of political cartoons. 

    I think objectivity in journalism is great in theory and truly is a news outlet's main goal, but in practice, it's hard to remain unbiased.

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