Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Drones, the Future of Journalism Reporting?

            As drones are growing in popularity I began to think about their usefulness in capturing different perspectives and how this is a tool that could be used by Journalists in the near future. The possibilities are endless for being able to report live on events with the quick accessibility of drones. Going forward I can see many news outlets and platforms making use of drones as they easily allow for living streaming breaking stories. Flying a drone will enable them to showcase on air hard to see and reach areas of a conflict whether it be a wildfire, traffic crash, protest, and more. Drones will eventually replace the need for news helicopters as they are smaller and certainly cheaper to maintain, and again, drones can get places a lot easier because of their size. The video above describes some of the other aspects that give journalists an advantage in their reporting when they use drones. It will be interesting to see how the use of drones evolve within journalism, it's definitely something to watch. 


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